World Heart Beat Academy, Nine Elms

Attune was employed to assist the Contractor in understanding the acoustic requirements on this prestigious project.

The development, located in Nine Elms in the shadow of the new US Embassy, comprises recording studios, practice rooms and a Concert Hall. The hall is perhaps unique in that it incorporates an audio system that can adjust the sound to mimic the acoustical characteristics of other music venues.

The sound insulation requirements to the building were incredibly stringent, with a requirement to achieve near inaudibility in the residential apartments surrounding the hall and other music spaces. This necessitated a high performance box-in-box construction with jack-up concrete slabs.

Attune reviewed the acoustic design and advised the contractor on the risks to the project and the requirements for demonstrating compliance. We carried out a number of site inspections and discussed changes to the design intent with the Design Team and the Contractor, and worked through a number of changes required due to practicality of build.