Traffic Noise

Traffic noise is a complex issue with far-reaching impacts, and it’s crucial to navigate it effectively.

At Attune, we are dedicated to helping you understand and manage traffic noise in compliance with both Specific Local Authority guidelines and British Standard guidelines. Our services are designed to ensure that your projects coexist harmoniously with their acoustic surroundings, fostering a quieter, more pleasant environment for all.

Specific Local Authority Guidelines

Every locality has its unique acoustic characteristics and challenges. Attune is your reliable partner in navigating specific local authority guidelines that pertain to environmental noise, such as a Local Plan, Core Strategy or Supplementary Planning Guidance. We recognise the importance of adhering to these specific regulations and are well-versed in interpreting and applying them effectively, and work with Local Authority representatives on your behalf to confirm our methodology. Our expertise ensures that your projects align with the acoustic requirements of your local community, contributing positively to the well-being of residents and a project’s success.

British Standards

British Standards provide a national framework for managing and controlling environmental noise, particularly that from road traffic. At Attune, we have a deep understanding of these standards and their significance in noise management. Whether you’re involved in architecture, urban planning, construction, or infrastructure development, we help you comply with British Standard guidelines, ensuring that your projects meet nationally recognised acoustic standards. By integrating these standards into your planning and execution, we create environments that are not only compliant but also in tune with the expectations of quality and comfort.

Our Services