Architectural/Building Acoustics

Our expertise extends to a diverse array of areas, starting with meticulous assessments of external building fabric sound insulation. We ensure that your structure remains shielded from unwanted external noise, enabling a serene and undisturbed interior environment.

External Building Fabric Sound Insulation Assessments

At Attune, we take pride in offering a comprehensive range of architectural and building acoustics services. Our expertise begins with external building fabric sound insulation assessments. We understand the importance of creating a peaceful environment within the structure. Our assessments ensure that your building is well-guarded against intrusive external noise, allowing occupants to enjoy a tranquil interior space. This includes consideration of how external noise might affect a building’s ventilation strategy, and we are conversant with the requirements of the updated Approved Document Part O.

Internal Separating Partition Sound Insulation Assessments

We go the extra mile to guarantee the highest standards of acoustic integrity within your building. Attune conducts thorough internal separating partition sound insulation assessments to minimise noise transmission between spaces. This meticulous approach not only provides a quieter environment but also enhances privacy and overall comfort, creating a space where sound stays exactly where it should.

Privacy and Control of Flanking Sound Transmission

Acoustic design isn’t just about reducing noise; it’s about controlling sound precisely. Attune specialises in addressing privacy and controlling flanking sound transmission. Our experts employ cutting-edge solutions to reduce the risk of sound disturbance.

Room Acoustic Modelling, Reverberation, and Speech Intelligibility Assessments

We understand that the acoustic quality of a room goes beyond simple treatments. Attune uses advanced room acoustic modelling techniques to optimise the acoustic experience in your spaces. Our assessments consider factors such as reverberation and speech intelligibility, while working with you to ensuring that your rooms offer not only a visually appealing environment but also an acoustically pleasing atmosphere. With Attune, your architectural and building acoustics needs are handled with a combination of expertise, precision, and a dedication to creating spaces where aesthetics and acoustics harmonise seamlessly.

Our Services